Label Sticker Self Adhesive Vinyl Material

Durable waterproof label

2024-12-17 22:45:03

Durable waterproof label Identify the quality of goods?

Classification of waterproof label paper1. PET label paper: available in various colors such as bright white, matte white, silver, etc., commonly including silver dragon and silver label pap

2024-12-16 10:45:02

How to use it correctly Durable bright white PET label

Can PET material hold food PET is a safe, food-grade plastic. As long as it is not used to store excessively hot liquids or liquids contaminated with oil and dirt that make it difficult t

2024-12-14 08:45:02

Characteristics of Durable Waterproof Labels OK or not?

Durability labelA durability label consists of top coating, surface material, adhesive layer, release film, adhesive, and other components. Each layer of structure has different functions.

2024-12-13 07:15:02

Durable waterproof label What are the other differences?

Waterproof adhesive labelThe advantages of waterproof adhesive label paper are good adhesion and not easy to peel off. Stamping neat, using stamping machines, easy to peel off, using special

2024-12-12 23:30:04

Selection Advantages of Durable Waterproof Label Printing

Advantages of Durable Waterproof Label Printing It possesses good mechanical properties, with an impact strength that is 3 to 5 times higher than other films, and exhibits excellent fold

2024-12-11 02:45:02

Durable waterproof label Which industries are applicable?

Classification of waterproof label paper1. PET label paper: available in various colors such as bright white, matte white, silver, etc., commonly including silver dragon and silver label pap

2024-12-11 01:45:02

What adhesive materials should be used for durability labels? OK or not?

What is the difference between PVC and adhesive?PVC and adhesive are two completely different materials, with different uses and characteristics. PVC is a plastic material mainly used for ma

2024-12-10 09:15:03

Durable bright white PET label Why is it good?

PET self-adhesive labelPET is a fibrous material with good rigid ductility, capable of withstanding certain high temperatures, enduring harsh environments, and resisting corrosion from stron

Characteristics of Durable Waterproof Labels Detailed answer!

Waterproof label paperWaterproof label paper refers to label paper with waterproof performance and strong tear resistance, usually made of PET material. For example, Asian silver paper label

2024-12-09 16:00:02

Durable bright white PET label How long can it last?

PET self-adhesive labelPET is a fibrous material with good rigid ductility, capable of withstanding certain high temperatures, enduring harsh environments, and resisting corrosion from stron

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