Label Sticker Self Adhesive Vinyl Material

removable high temperature label

2024-10-31 04:00:03

How to use it correctly Removable high temperature label

Removable high-temperature label application1. High temperature resistant label, removable high temperature label 1. It is mainly used for barcode applications on PCB circuit boards or relat

Removable high-temperature label application What are there?

High temperature resistant aluminum foil hang tagHigh temperature resistant hang tag is an aluminum foil coated with high-temperature resistant coating, mainly developed for the growing dema

2024-10-27 22:30:02

Removable high-temperature label application How to choose?

Removable high-temperature label application1. High temperature resistant label, removable high temperature label 1. It is mainly used for barcode applications on PCB circuit boards or relat

2024-10-24 11:30:02

Removable high-temperature label application Detailed answer!

Matte black anti-static high-temperature labelDumb black anti-static high-temperature label is a 1mil black anti-static polyimide label material with acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive, sui

2024-10-23 12:00:02

Removable high-temperature label application How long can it last?

High temperature resistant aluminum foil hang tagHigh temperature resistant hang tag is an aluminum foil coated with high-temperature resistant coating, mainly developed for the growing dema

2024-10-23 12:00:02

Removable high-temperature label application Type description

300 ℃ high temperature resistant labelThe technical parameters of the 300 ℃ high-temperature resistant hanging tag are that the white polyimide film high-temperature sticker is designed to i

Removable high temperature label OK or not?

Ceramic barcode for liquefied gas cylinderLiquefied gas cylinder ceramic barcode is a barcode label generated by high-temperature glaze firing on a high-strength alumina engineering ceramic

2024-10-20 23:00:02

Removable high-temperature label application What about?

High temperature resistant polyimide tag materialHigh temperature resistant polyimide tags are used in extremely harsh production environments for steel, aluminum, and their castings. They c

2024-10-19 22:00:03

Removable high temperature label How long can it last?

Removable high temperature labelRemovable high-temperature label material based on polyimide film, combined with a printable coating designed specifically for SMT process, has excellent prin

Removable high-temperature label application Introduction to Knowledge

Ceramic barcode for liquefied gas cylinderLiquefied gas cylinder ceramic barcode is a barcode label generated by high-temperature glaze firing on a high-strength alumina engineering ceramic

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