Introduction to Biodegradable Stickers How to choose?
Instructions for using temperature sensitive stickers for wires and cables1. The specialized temperature sensing sticker for railway passenger car wires and cables is in the form of a label.
Instructions for using temperature sensitive stickers for wires and cables1. The specialized temperature sensing sticker for railway passenger car wires and cables is in the form of a label.
Meiwen Paper Adhesive LabelAlthough the adhesive of the masking paper is tight, it is easy to remove, and it also has high temperature resistance, melt resistance, and water resistance. It p
Characteristics of anti-static labelsAnti-static materials: Anti-static labels are typically made from materials with anti-static properties such as polyester (PET) and polyimide, which exhi
What industries are fragile paper adhesive labels used inWhen it comes to the application and scope of fragile paper adhesive labels, generally speaking, some products that require formal qu
What are the characteristics of adhesives in adhesive materials?The performance of pressure-sensitive adhesives for adhesive materials can be measured through a series of physical tests, suc
Adhesive label die-cutting overflow glueDie cutting overflow refers to the overflow of adhesive at the edge of the label after processing through the label die cutting process. It is a commo
Zero halogen environmentally friendly cable identification cardDesigned for environmental protection, economic practicality, and high reliability labeling requirements, it is made of environ
How accurate is the temperature measurement with temperature sensing stickers?The accuracy of temperature measurement with temperature sensing stickers varies depending on factors such as pr
Classification of sterilization indicator cards Process chemical indicator card: Used for individual items or packages to indicate whether the item has undergone a sterilization process,
temperature measurement labelA temperature measurement label is a temperature monitoring tool that integrates a temperature sensor and thermosensitive materials, featuring self-indication an
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