Clothing and textile labels What are there?
Precautions for hazardous chemical labelingLabels should be affixed and hung (printed) by the manufacturer (company) before the goods leave the factory. If the packaging needs to be changed
Precautions for hazardous chemical labelingLabels should be affixed and hung (printed) by the manufacturer (company) before the goods leave the factory. If the packaging needs to be changed
Electronic manufacturing labelNowadays, there are more and more applications of electronic mobile devices and electronic products, so the demand for electronic product labels is also increas
Corrosion resistant labelCorrosion resistant labels are special label materials designed to cope with various chemical corrosion environments. This type of label not only has excellent corro
Three methods for distinguishing PET and PP1. On a global scale, the use of packaging containers such as glass containers and canned goods is decreasing, while the use of plastic containers
Adhesive label die-cutting overflow glueDie cutting overflow refers to the overflow of adhesive at the edge of the label after processing through the label die cutting process. It is a commo
Classification of self-adhesive labelsAdhesive labels can be basically divided into two categories: paper adhesive labels and film adhesive labels. Paper adhesive labels include transfer pr
Compared with traditional stickers, self-adhesive stickersCompared with traditional stickers, self-adhesive stickers have the advantages of no brushing, no paste, no dipping in water, no pol
What are the characteristics of adhesives in adhesive materials?The performance of pressure-sensitive adhesives for adhesive materials can be measured through a series of physical tests, suc
Intelligent temperature measurement patchWhen the temperature reaches or exceeds the rated temperature of the patch, the patch immediately changes from white to red; When the temperature dro
Pressure steam sterilization indicator tapePressure Steam Sterilization Indicator Tape, also known as Autoclave Indicator Tape, is specifically designed to be adhered to the exterior of pack
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